Wednesday, April 20, 2016

It Won't Always Feel Like This

Currently, recently, and for a while I have been in a season I could never have predicted and I can't believe is still in effect. I have been acutely aware its just a season but the exhaustion, the stuckness, the deadening of my heart linger on and threaten hopelessness. Most days, as long as I remember it is a season and seasons change, I am content in the inbetween. But you can tell by my language, its not easy. Whether you prefer to hear it from the Byrd's or the Bible, there is such wisdom in choosing a perspective that embraces the particular truth: "To every thing there is a season." Check it out...


It wasn't until I had my first child that I deeply grasped the idea of season. I laugh and grieve as I tell people that as my baby grew, I kept noticing a pattern of figuring out what her bedtime should be, what she liked, etc. and as soon as I did, it changed.  Having an infant is an exaggerated experience in beginning and ending seasons.  On a more general level, seasons are things like being in school, looking for a new job, raising children, caring for aging parents, retirement. Seasons can also look like a time of inspiration, depression, gratefulness, or bitterness. A season is something that you experience that is limited to a short-ish period of time. A season could last a decade or two or three, but common use of the word refers to something lasting weeks, months, or a couple of years.  

As it relates to suffering, the principal of season is comforting in that the thing you are currently experiencing, the feeling you're currently having, the limits you're currently bound by, inevitably will not remain the same. It won't always feel like this.

In the meantime, while you're "stuck" in this season, without minimizing the real pain you're feeling, may I suggest accepting this season?  Save your energy for the necessary struggles of your day and release the struggle against the season. Trust that it will not always be like this. You will not always be like this. There is hope in a loving God who has good plans for your future. (Jer 29:11) There is hope in the inevitability of change. There is hope.