Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a profession that is profoundly different from consulting, mentoring, advice, therapy, or counseling. The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general circumstances and transitions in the client's personal life or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what obstacles or challenges might exist, and choosing a course of action to make your life what you want it to be.

Effective solution focused coaching supports people to focus on what they want and find creative ways move forward. Yet, many of us are focusing on what we don't want. Think about how often you spend time worrying, scared, stressed, etc. Most likely you are focusing on what you don't want to happen or what you don't like about something or someone. A credentialed life coach will NOT try to 'fix' you. She or he will empower you, through questions, to discover, learn, grow and create more of what you want.

The following are areas in which coaching can help:

•Relationships and Intimacy
•Stress Management and Balance
•Spirituality and Personal Growth
•Entrepreneurial and Small Business Development
•Career Planning and Development
•Motivation and Time Management
•Creativity for Artists, Writers, Musicians and Performers
•Finances and Budgeting
•Health, Aging, Lifestyle and Self-Care
•Family and Parenting
•And much more

Here are five questions to ask yourself to see if coaching might benefit you:

1. Is there some area of my life that could benefit from a change or a shift?
2. Am I ready for something more in my life (i.e. more abundance, more prosperity, more satisfaction, etc.)?
3. How committed am I to improving myself and my life?
4. What might I let go of to really make room for what I want?
5. How might my own improvement benefit others in my life?

If you answered yes to the 1st two questions and allowed yourself to ponder the last 3 may want to explore coaching.