Monday, March 1, 2010


Its been a while since I've updated this blog, but I'm back in business. At least for the moment :)

Recently, I've been confronted with many of my own faults and it was proposed to me that the underlying element of all sin is pride. Seeing much wisdom in this argument, but doubting something so simple could be true, I began seeking out books on the subject. My old friend,, told me about a book called Humility: The Beauty of Holiness by Andrew Murray.

Only two chapters in, I agree with the Amazon reviewer who wrote, "Deep truths on every page-bring your highlighter! I plan to re-read it every year." What an honest and convicting piece of literature. I too, can see the need to be regularly reminded of my sinful pride and disregard for Christ's sacrifice for me.

From Humility:
"Let him consider how all want of love, all indifference to the needs, the feelings, the weakness of others; all sharp and hasty judgments and utterances, so often excused under the plea of being outright honest; all manifestations of temper and touchiness and irritation; all feelings of bitterness and estrangement, have their root in nothing but pride, that ever seeks itself, and his eyes will be opened to see how dark, shall I not say a devilish pride, creeps in almost everywhere, the assemblies of the saints not excepted."

Again, I have not yet finished this book, but it won't take me long to whip through its 89 pages. I suspect I will immediately re-read it to glean another layer of its content before I lose memory of the first.
